By Andy Burrows
In this article I want to show that getting yourself ready to be a business-leading CFO one day is something that should start much much earlier than you think.
When people talk about leadership and business acumen in the context of what you need to be a CFO, you may think that implies you need almost grey hairs.
We picture leaders being the old, wise and mature people. It must have taken them years to learn to be leaders.
Business acumen, too, sounds like something you get from years of experience.
And my worry is that those misconceptions put off young Finance professionals from working intentionally on things that will help them to be CFO-ready.
Two of my own experiences should show that you don’t have to wait to start learning CFO skills.
First, I was appointed as a Finance Director at the age of 29. I’ve written about that elsewhere. So, you don’t need to be older to learn CFO skills and behaviours.
Second, one of the most memorable courses I went on during...
By Andy Burrows
One of the first things I teach my coaching clients is personal effectiveness.
Personal effectiveness – if you want a rough informal definition – is the ability to get important things done.
A big part of that is what has been called “time management”. I’ll come back to why I think that terminology is unhelpful in a minute.
But first, the reason I teach this first is because of the number of people who would drop out of coaching groups because they “weren’t getting time to make use of the learning and coaching opportunities”. In order to help people get the career benefits, and to help them to improve their impact in their workplace, I had to first enable them to open up time to learn and change.
And on top of that I would hear people saying they didn’t have time to join  my coaching group to get the CFO skills, the business-focused Finance skills, to level up their impact in their business and become more confident in their career progress.
I hear people complain...
By Andy Burrows
One of the common questions I get asked relates to meeting resistance in the business.
For instance, I was explaining in a webinar recently that Finance and the CFO are like coaches to the business. We provide the performance management framework.
And someone said, “what if colleagues in the business don’t want to be coached?”
It’s a really good point.
And it’s worth knowing how to address the issue, because if you think about it, great CFOs don’t seem to have this problem.
So, if you want to progress in your career you need to develop those kind of CFO skills that will give you influence within the business.
It also affects your job satisfaction as a Finance professional. Because it’s disheartening when you can see that you really can make a difference and add value, but no-one seems interested in what you have to say.
Here's a little video clip of my answer to that question.
By Andy Burrows
As I’ve spoken with Finance professionals around the world about their careers, there’s a particular pain that is felt by those who work in small businesses.
Sometimes they talk about the fact that they want to be Finance business partners, but they’re stuck in the mundane tasks of Finance.
Sometimes they talk about the struggle they have trying to get involved with the business, because the business doesn’t see the need to include them.
There’s a perception in some places that to get real Finance business partnering experience you have to go and work in a bigger company.
But that cannot be right!
In the USA, 45% of GDP comes from small businesses. Nearly 50% of employees work for small businesses. And I bet the situation is similar around the world, possibly even more so.
Imagine the impact we could have on the economy if small business Finance professionals could help their businesses to perform better. ...
By Andy Burrows
You’re a Finance professional who wants to do their best for the business you work for.
You may want to rise to be a CFO one day.
If so, you must grasp business performance management.
Business performance management is a key element of the business acumen you need to be a business-focused Finance professional. And it’s something that is specifically the responsibility of the CFO and Finance.
If you want to be more than “just an accountant”; if you want to drive business performance, rather than just spectate or commentate on it, learn business performance management!
And that’s what I aim to introduce you to in this article.
Business performance management is an essential discipline, because as I regularly say, “managing business performance better leads to better business performance... otherwise why bother managing it?”
Management is “maintaining control over” something. In this case we want to maintain co...
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