By Andy Burrows
Influence is something that Finance people in business really want, it seems to me.
I hear it a lot:
“How can I get more influence in the business?”
“How can I increase my visibility in the business?”
“How can I get included in strategic discussions, instead of being kept out?”
And that’s thinking in the right kind of way, fundamentally. We don’t want to just provide information, or even merely insight based on information. We don’t want to turn our work over to the non-Finance areas of the business in a “take-it-or-leave-it” kind of way.
We want our work to make a difference. And it can only make a difference if people listen to us, understand us, take note and act on what we tell them.
Our information should deliver insight. But for our insight to have impact we need to have influence!
So, this article gives you five ways to do that. It’s not the whole story, but it will give you a lot to think about.
The first thing is to improve y...
By Andy Burrows
Careers these days are bloomin’ difficult to put together and keep on track. No need to talk about the reasons for that. The point is that it takes a lot of intentionality. It takes thought, guts, perseverance, and confidence.
I’m talking about Finance and Accountancy career progression, because that’s what I have experience of. But, gone are the days (did they ever really exist?) when you could just keep doing a solid job and some day you would get called into the higher level job.
And so, when I received the following question in a Finance careers event, it was not a surprise:
“I have been in the same organisation at the same level for 10 years. My main concern is I feel like I am stuck and unable to get the breakthrough to the next level, in spite of my vast experience across industries in various Finance roles.”
This article is aimed at helping you if you can relate to that situation. You feel like your career has stalled. You’re stuck. You feel capable of the ...
By Andy Burrows
When you’re progressing through your career in Finance, outside of public practice, should you stick to one company, or even one industry sector? Or should you move around? Does it matter?
It’s a question I’ve come across a lot. At a recent Finance Career Growth Masterclass, run by Supercharged Finance, it was one of the most common questions people had.
And the answer is not straightforward. I almost always end up saying, “well, yes and no,” at some point!
Yes, it does matter from one point of view. But it doesn’t from another.
Yes, you should move around in some circumstances. But it’s good to stay put at other times.
And, actually, I think it’s good to have the humility to acknowledge that these choices are not always fully within our control. The important thing is to have an intentional way of looking at it. But I would recommend trying not to get stressed over it if it doesn’t work out exactly the way you wanted.
So, the points I’ll make are ones to balance...
By Andy Burrows
What are the skills needed for Finance in business in the next generation? One of the biggest current challenges for the Finance and Accounting profession, the individual Finance professional, and Finance functions in general, is around skills.
It’s not just a problem of what skills are needed for the future. But whose responsibility is it to create the career pathways, the learning opportunities, and to ensure the right skills, mindsets and behaviours, prevail?
In an earlier article, I looked at what’s really happening in Finance in the realm of automation and technology. I argued that it need not be all about RPA and AI, as the media and software companies would have you believe. There are plenty of other tools we already have in the toolbox, some are more robust and stable, and some are much lower cost. Automation isn’t new in Finance, and RPA is just the new kid on the block (and that would make AI a babe in arms!).
But what I want to point out in this article i...
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