The Purpose-Driven CFO Part 6: Internal Control is for Finance Business Partners Too

By Andy Burrows

[First published 15th April 2017]

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Internal control is often seen as a boring subject. It conjures up visions of bureaucracy, paperwork, inspection teams with checklists, things which slow the business down. But, as I have said elsewhere, ā€œSaying that internal control is boring in business is like a train driver saying that tracks and signals are boring.ā€

Over the course of this series, Iā€™ve been looking at activities within the remit of the CFO from what Iā€™m calling a ā€œpurpose-drivenā€ perspective. Iā€™m trying to investigate whether examining, and being explicit about, the reasons why we do things, actually changes or influences the way we do them. If you haven't seen it already, please take a look at the introductory article that explains the thinking behind the approach: The Purpose-Driven CFO Part 1: Why Be Purpose-Driven. That, fittingly, tells you why Iā€™m asking the ā€˜whyā€™ q...

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